Delivering Diginity

About Delivering Dignity


It seems like such a small thing to fund free Dignity Kits for women, but it’s already made a significant change in the lives of thousands of girls and their communities in Kenya.  It has brought them better health, greater hope, and a chance at a happier future.

Delivering Dignity provides a way for women who care to tangibly express their concern for other women in small practical ways that make a big difference.

Delivering Dignity has vetted and trained four teams of trusted Kenyan partners, and regularly monitors the manufacture and distribution of Dignity Kits. Donations pay for purchasing materials, manufacturing, distributing and the quality control of the Dignity Kits. Each kit costs about ten dollars to produce and includes:

  • Two pairs of women’s panties
  • Two sets of reusable, waterproof “winged” sanitary pad holders which easily attach to the panties
  • Eight washable pads—four for heavy days and four for light days
  • Soap to wash the holders, pads and panties


It seems like such a small thing to fund free Dignity Kits for women, but it’s already made a significant change in the lives of thousands of girls and their communities in Kenya.  It has brought them better health, greater hope, and a chance at a happier future.

Delivering Dignity provides a way for women who care to tangibly express their concern for other women in small practical ways that make a big difference.

Delivering Dignity has vetted and trained four teams of trusted Kenyan partners, and regularly monitors the manufacture and distribution of Dignity Kits. Donations pay for purchasing materials, manufacturing, distributing and the quality control of the Dignity Kits. Each kit costs about ten dollars to produce and includes:

  • Two pairs of women’s panties
  • Two sets of reusable, waterproof “winged” sanitary pad holders which easily attach to the panties
  • Eight washable pads—four for heavy days and four for light days
  • Soap to wash the holders, pads and panties


It seems like such a small thing to fund free Dignity Kits for women, but it’s already made a significant change in the lives of thousands of girls and their communities in Kenya.  It has brought them better health, greater hope, and a chance at a happier future.

Delivering Dignity provides a way for women who care to tangibly express their concern for other women in small practical ways that make a big difference.

Delivering Dignity has vetted and trained four teams of trusted Kenyan partners, and regularly monitors the manufacture and distribution of Dignity Kits. Donations pay for purchasing materials, manufacturing, distributing and the quality control of the Dignity Kits. Each kit costs about ten dollars to produce and includes:

  • Two pairs of women’s panties
  • Two sets of reusable, waterproof “winged” sanitary pad holders which easily attach to the panties
  • Eight washable pads—four for heavy days and four for light days
  • Soap to wash the holders, pads and panties

Delivering Dignity receives donations from friends who wan to instil dignity into these girls. A project of UnveilinGLORY, only 5% of the money is used for overhead expenses…one of the lowest among non-profit organizations.

UnveilinGLORY then sends the funding for the kits to four trusted Kenyan partners.They buy the materials and then cut and sew together the reusable pads for the girls. They also purchase panties and soap for each kit.

Each kit includes:

  • Two reusable waterproof sanitary pad holders plus liners for heavy and light days.
  • Two pairs of panties
  • And soap to help them clean the pads after they are used.

Each kit includes:



Delivering Dignity kits are taken to girls in rural areas where the needs are the greatest.  Public schools are the most common points of distribution.  At the schools, boys and girls are separated to do three things:

  1. Girls receive the Dignity Kits.  (The joy on their faces is overwhelming!)
  2. The Delivering Dignity female team members talk to the girls about use and care for the components of the kits, and about feminine care and hygiene.  (Most girls have never heard this much-needed information from their mothers.)
  3. Distribution team members speak separately to the boys so that they understand they are to respect and honor girls and women.  This training is vital in many communities where girls are viewed as less than human—property to abuse.



Delivering Dignity kits are taken to girls in rural areas where the needs are the greatest.  Public schools are the most common points of distribution.  At the schools, boys and girls are separated to do three things:

  1. Girls receive the Dignity Kits.  (The joy on their faces is overwhelming!)
  2. The Delivering Dignity female team members talk to the girls about use and care for the components of the kits, and about feminine care and hygiene.  (Most girls have never heard this much-needed information from their mothers.)
  3. Distribution team members speak separately to the boys so that they understand they are to respect and honor girls and women.  This training is vital in many communities where girls are viewed as less than human—property to abuse.



Delivering Dignity kits are taken to girls in rural areas where the needs are the greatest.  Public schools are the most common points of distribution.  At the schools, boys and girls are separated to do three things:

  1. Girls receive the Dignity Kits.  (The joy on their faces is overwhelming!)
  2. The Delivering Dignity female team members talk to the girls about use and care for the components of the kits, and about feminine care and hygiene.  (Most girls have never heard this much-needed information from their mothers.)
  3. Distribution team members speak separately to the boys so that they understand they are to respect and honor girls and women.  This training is vital in many communities where girls are viewed as less than human—property to abuse.

Over the last three years, many communities in southern Kenya, especially among the Maasai, are experiencing the impact of such teaching and the use of Dignity Kits. Here are some of the key benefits to their society:

  • Girls are able to stay in school and learn the skills that they will need to provide sustainable income for themselves and their families.
  • Community traditions are changing for the better.
  • Girls now have hope and a chance for a better future. 
  • Boys and men are thinking and behaving more respectfully towards girls.
  • Teenage rape and pregnancies are down.  
  • Fewer young girls are forced into prostitution or given away in marriages to men much older than themselves.
Talk to the girls

Over the last three years, many communities in southern Kenya, especially among the Maasai, are experiencing the impact of such teaching and the use of Dignity Kits. Here are some of the key benefits to their society:

  • Girls are able to stay in school and learn the skills that they will need to provide sustainable income for themselves and their families.
  • Community traditions are changing for the better.
  • Girls now have hope and a chance for a better future. 
  • Boys and men are thinking and behaving more respectfully towards girls.
  • Teenage rape and pregnancies are down.  
  • Fewer young girls are forced into prostitution or given away in marriages to men much older than themselves.
Talk to the girls
Kenyian girl with kit - tear with logo


Fiscal responsibility and accountability are vital to Delivering Dignity’s success. All donations are 100% secure and we will never share your data with anyone else.

Delivering Dignity is an extension of UnveilinGLORY, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  95% of money donated is used for the direct mission of transforming girls’ lives and providing hope. (The 5% overhead is one of the lowest among non-profits.)

We are grateful for every donation and every conversation our donors have with other women about Delivering Dignity. Both are very important if Delivering Dignity is to flourish and serve more girls in Kenya and beyond.   

We are grateful for every donation and every conversation our donors have with other women about Delivering Dignity. Both are very important if Delivering Dignity is to flourish and serve more girls in Kenya and beyond.   


Fiscal responsibility and accountability are vital to Delivering Dignity’s success. All donations are 100% secure and we will never share your data with anyone else.

Delivering Dignity is an extension of UnveilinGLORY, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  95% of money donated is used for the direct mission of transforming girls’ lives and providing hope. (The 5% overhead is one of the lowest among non-profits.)

We are grateful for every donation and every conversation our donors have with other women about Delivering Dignity. Both are very important if Delivering Dignity is to flourish and serve more girls in Kenya and beyond.   


Fiscal responsibility and accountability are vital to Delivering Dignity’s success. All donations are 100% secure and we never share data with anyone else.

Delivering Dignity is an extension of Unveiling Glory, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  95% of money donated is used for the direct mission of transforming girls’ lives and providing hope. (The 5% overhead is one of the lowest among non-profits.)

We are grateful for every donation and every conversation our donors have with other women about Delivering Dignity. Both are very important if Delivering Dignity is to flourish and serve more women in Kenya and beyond.   

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Health ♦︎ Future ♦︎ Hope

95% of your money goes toward helping girls stay in school and live a life of dignity.

Immediately after your donation, you will receive an email confirmation of your transaction.

Want to send in a check or make a pledge? Go to our “Contact Us” page.

Health ♦︎ Future ♦︎ Hope

95% of your money goes toward helping girls stay in school and live a life of dignity.

Immediately after your donation, you will receive an email confirmation of your transaction.

Make checks payable to “Delivering Dignity”